Excel Dashboard

Objective: The main goal of this project is to design an interactive sales dashboard for Adidas US, a leading sports apparel retailer. This will serve as a centralized platform for tracking, analyzing, and visualizing sales data across various parameters.

Parameters: The dashboard will encompass sales data divided across various parameters for in-depth analysis:

  1. Regions: Five key regions (Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, South, and West) have been included to analyze geographic sales trends.
  2. Years: Comparative annual sales data for the years 2020 and 2021 will help gauge year-over-year performance.
  3. Product Categories: Six product categories are covered to delve into the performance of each product segment. They are men’s and women’s apparel, men’s and women’s aethletic footwear and men’s and women’s street footwear.
  4. Retailers: The dashboard includes data from six major retailers – Foot Locker, Sports Direct, West Gear, Kohl’s, Amazon, and Walmart.
  5. Sales Method: Sales data is bifurcated into In-Store, Online, and Outlet to understand the preferred purchasing mode of customers.
  6. Monthly Sales: Monthly sales data (January to December) will be represented in USD for each year.

Dashboard Design:

The dashboard is designed to be highly interactive and visually appealing, making it easy for stakeholders to comprehend and derive insights:

  1. The bar chart presents sales data for the five regions, six product categories, and six retailers. This will enable us to understand the distribution and contribution of each segment.
  2. The line chart represents the monthly sales data for the years 2020 and 2021, providing a clear view of sales trends across the months and facilitating a comparative analysis between the two years.
  3. The field map visually represents the sales across different regions in the US for each year. This geographical representation will allow us to observe region-wise sales performance and identify areas of strength or potential improvement, thus providing a spatial dimension to our sales analysis.


The interactive dashboard delivers several benefits:

  1. Enhanced Visibility: The dashboard provides an at-a-glance view of Adidas’ sales performance across various metrics.
  2. Informed Decision-Making: By identifying trends, patterns, and potential problem areas, the dashboard can help stakeholders make data-driven decisions.
  3. Improved Sales Strategies: Analyzing sales by region, retailer, product category, and sales method will inform better marketing and sales strategies, thus driving business growth.

Overall, this project aims to streamline and enhance the sales analysis process for Adidas US, allowing the company to make strategic decisions promptly and effectively based on real-time data.

Data: Extracted from Kaggle (Heemali Chaudhuri)

Special thanks:  Kenji Explains